
Burneremails,alsoknownasdisposableortemporaryemailaddresses,areshort-termemailaccountsthatyoucanusetomaintainyourprivacy ...,Keepyourinboxprotectedwithburneremailaddresses.Hideyourpersonalemailaddress,controlwhocansendyouemails,andgeneratenewburnerswithone ...,使用方法真的非常簡單!BurnerEmails以註冊時填寫的姓名、網站網址和一串隨機碼產生一個轉寄信箱,寄到此信箱的郵件將自動寄回真實Email地址。,,...

A Quick Guide to Burner Emails

Burner emails, also known as disposable or temporary email addresses, are short-term email accounts that you can use to maintain your privacy ...

Burner Mail

Keep your inbox protected with burner email addresses. Hide your personal email address, control who can send you emails, and generate new burners with one ...

Burner Emails 填寫Email 時自動帶入匿名轉寄信箱

使用方法真的非常簡單!Burner Emails 以註冊時填寫的姓名、網站網址和一串隨機碼產生一個轉寄信箱,寄到此信箱的郵件將自動寄回真實Email 地址。

Frequently Asked Questions

Burner Mail helps you protect your privacy by providing you with custom email addresses (burner emails) that can be used to forward all incoming emails to your ...

Burner Emails

Burner Emails is a tool to generate a random email address for every form that you're submitting online, that will forward all emails to your ...

作為email過濾管理的Burner Mail



Throw away email addresses (burner emails) are great for single use signups where you would like the content but rather not give up your email.

Temp Mail

Disposable email - is a free email service that allows to receive email at a temporary address that self-destructed after a certain time elapses. It is also ...

Burner Emails 」自動生成匿名Email 再轉寄信箱

每當我們填寫的線上表單資料有需要輸入Email 時,Burner Emails 就會隨機產生一組Email 電子郵件信箱,再將這些網站寄來的Email 轉寄到我們原本的電子郵件 ...